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Why Study English? Or German? Or French?
You may ask the question "Why should I study any language" ?

Why should I study English?
Everyone may have a different purpose for studying English. In Japan, there are many reason that are shared throughout society.

Japan Times article - English
Junior high and high school students in Japan have failed to meet the government’s targets in all four English skills: reading, listening, writing and speaking.
Data released by the education ministry showed that starting English lessons in elementary schools and having classes taught in English have not produced significant results so far.
The figures come from a survey conducted last June and July of around 90,000 students at about 500 public high schools and some 60,000 students in 600 public junior high schools.
Under the basic educational promotion plan, by fiscal 2017 half of junior high students are expected to have English proficiency equivalent to Grade 3 of the popular Eiken English proficiency test when they graduate. Similarly, half of high school students are supposed to have English proficiency equivalent to Grade 2 or Grade Pre-2 by the time of their graduation. However, the proportion of students in their final year of junior high who reached the targets was 26.1 percent for reading, 20.2 percent for listening, 43.2 percent for writing and 32.6 percent for speaking.
The students in their final year of junior high are the first generation that received English classes when they were in elementary school. The hours of English classes and the number of English words taught in junior high school were also increased for them.
Some 10 to 30 percent of high school seniors passed the targets. The proportion of those who surpassed the goals increased some 7 percentage points from the previous year for reading and writing and advanced some 5 points for listening. The rate for speaking skills was unchanged. These high school students are the first generation to receive English education under the ministry’s new curriculum guidelines, which include the introduction of classes taught wholly in English.
A ministry official said their improvements came from the change of the English class system, but the scores were low and it can’t be said the change is achieving the desired results. Around 40 percent of junior high and high school teachers conducted integrated lessons of the four skills, including discussions on listening content.
The ministry official said a lack of skills among teachers is considered one factor and better training programs are needed.
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